How to Maximize your Tesla's Battery and Range

One of the most common causes of concern for EV and Tesla car critics revolve around the range and Tesla battery capacity. Many people believe Tesla car owners will have to replace their batteries in a few years, and this keeps many car enthusiasts from investing in the car. This is an understandable concern because a Tesla’s battery is incredibly costly, and most people invest in the car in hopes of increasing their savings.
Replacing the battery after 6 to 7 years of using the car will defeat the whole purpose of buying an electric vehicle in the first place. EV owners also have questions about Tesla’s range. The new Tesla Model 3 is a glimpse into the future of modern-day electric vehicles.
A Brief Note on Tesla’s Battery
Since the charge of lithium-ion batteries in non-Tesla devices tend to run out relatively quickly, it’s understandable that many Tesla drivers may fear the same for their Tesla battery. However, just because phone batteries tend to give out does not mean that Tesla's battery capacity will also start to decline and, hence, result in reduced range and mileage. That being said, the Tesla range of 263 to 353 MI on battery-only can help you get from A to B with one charge.
How Many Cells in a Tesla Battery Pack?
There are differences between the battery in your phone and the battery pack in Tesla’s car. An electric vehicle consists of a combination of small batteries that make up a single unit or a battery pack. A standard Tesla Model 3 battery pack consists of 2976 cells in a battery.

Manufacturers design the Tesla battery pack system to increase the longevity and efficiency of each cell. The battery pack inside Tesla car models is a sophisticated management system in which each cell aligns in a particular manner. This system ensures that the cells charge, discharge, cool, and function optimally. This means that even if degradation occurs, the system will automatically control it, unlike the single-cell lithium-ion battery in smartphones.
However, charging a lithium-ion battery to 100% and leaving it plugged for extended periods does strain the battery. This leads to early degradation of the battery. This is why the Tesla Model 3 comes with a recommended daily charging limit of 80% and only recommends charging your battery pack to 90 percent or above for longer trips.
Your battery will also benefit from charging it overnight at your home for the majority of the time and only relying on Superchargers when necessary. Moreover, if you do charge the car to 100%, it is best to drive it as soon as the charge level hits 100 percent.
You do not want to charge to those higher levels and then leave it plugged in. This habit can be detrimental to battery longevity. Lastly, make sure that you do not let your battery levels go below 10 percent.
If you abide by the correct charging habits, you can ensure good battery health and find no signs of degradation or loss in your Tesla’s mileage and maintain the Tesla range of 263 to 353 MI on battery-only power. One good way of doing this is by downloading the Optiwatt app.
Can You Upgrade Tesla Battery?
Yes, Tesla batteries can be upgraded to long-range via software updates. Otherwise, you have to purchase a new battery.
Tips to maximize range
It is not just your charging habits that make a difference but also driving habits that sustain Tesla’s battery health and range.
Tesla lays out the rated range for each Tesla model. The rated range is the distance that the car will run on a single charge. It also depicts the energy that the battery stores at any given time.
For instance, the rated range for the Tesla Model 3 is 310 miles. However, the range Tesla gives on their website can vary. For a more accurate calculation of the range, you will have to consider many factors such as the environment, the external temperatures, as well as driving and charging habits. With good driving and charging habits, you can actually exceed Tesla’s rated range. Registering your EV with Optiwatt is one of the quickest ways to figure out how to maximize your range.

How to drive Tesla with efficiency
The first thing that you should focus on is your driving setting. Make sure to set them on the standard when you are driving, keeping the “hold” on and “creep” off. Not having the drive settings set to standard will impact your car’s range and mileage in the long term.
Having a standard setting makes your Tesla experience easier, allowing you to drive with one pedal most of the time. It also helps transfer the car’s energy back into the battery pack when your foot is off the accelerator, getting you closer to the higher limits of the Tesla range of 263 to 353 MI on battery-only.
Not speeding also translates to good battery range and overall battery health. Pressing on the accelerator and driving at high speeds means that you are exerting a lot of the battery’s energy, and over-exertion can impact the battery and lead to its degradation.
Another healthy habit is to set the cabin heat protection off when leaving it parked outside. You can use your mobile app to vent your windows if you feel that it is too hot outside. In addition, being conservative with your air conditioning is a small act that goes a long way in optimizing energy usage.

Final Takeaways
Electric vehicles are still relatively new, so determining the maximum range for Tesla models surrounds plenty of uncertainty. Nonetheless, it is always a good idea to maximize your battery efficiency and use good driving habits so you can improve your efforts to conserve energy and improve your Tesla’s mileage.